Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Right on the money: Choosing a banker

The financial meltdown plus grim portrayals of the financial classes in TV and movies have put investment bankers under intense public scrutiny. Nonetheless, running perceptions about them fail reality. Sensationalized media portrayals gloss over the positive: Most of these financiers are driven, hardworking professionals who are no different from their counterparts in other fields.


Investment bankers, however, are still toeing caution. And no one can blame them, especially as they deal with large sums of money. When choosing an investment banker to work with, what do clients need to consider? Inc. listed five important qualities of effective investment bankers:  

Experience -- Successfully handling million-dollar deals is not a skill learned overnight. It takes time to build networks, properly execute deals, and maximize questions. Some of the questions clients can ask the would-be banker include, “How many deals have you successfully closed?” and “What was the value of those deals?”  

Image Source: yomistablogspotcom

Tenacity -- Not to be confused with ruthlessness, tenacity is what drives investment bankers to close deals successfully. Tenacious bankers fully understand the goals of their clients and are focused and determined in achieving those. Always armed with a back-up plan in case initial negotiation fails, these bankers value hard work and dedication.

Image Source: telegraph.co.uk

Financial industry veterans tip off clients on the red flags about investment bankers, too. After all, picking the right investment banker determines the lifeline of a business.  

As a long-time investment banker, Douglas Anderson, Diego Pellicer Inc. founder and current CEO of Wall Street Capital Partners has seen how spotting financial growth opportunities for clients is a business gamechanger. After a successful underwriting career, he started his own investment banking firm in 1998 where he had the opportunity to work on several deals across various industries. Click here to read more about his career achievements.